Cycles for CEO's Astro Salon Training:
The Great American Eclipse & Uranian Revolution: A CEO's Guide to Thriving in Transformative Times 2024 - 2037.
- Navigating the Eclipse & Jupiter-Uranus Shift: Mastering Market Disruptions and Financial Growth in the New Astrological Era Live Event. 
Since 2020 our world has been transformed, and the face of online business is changing. We are experiencing an overlapping of significant cycles, ones that will leave some industries in the dark, and others on the cusp of greatness.  Join me as we explore upcoming trends, as well as long-term changes through a range of areas from AI, currency, technology, and more.

This live event will be hosted over Zoom on April 4, 2024, at 10 am PST/ 11 am MST/1 pm EST/6 pm UK time.  Upon registration and payment below you will receive the link for the event and replay access details. A full replay will be provided if you cannot attend live. 

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Q2 Plan With Me:- Exclusive Live Astrological Planning Session - Plan your Next 3 Months of Marketing + Includes Q2 Moonsight Planner PDF & Astrological Planning Cheat Sheets . - Valued at $197. Yours For Just $67!
Seize this Exclusive Opportunity: Join the Q2 Plan With Me Live Astrological Planning Session! Dive deep into the next 3 months of your business with precision and astrological insight. Scheduled on the potent day of the Eclipse - April 8, 2024, this session is designed to align your marketing, content, and sales strategies with the cosmic energies for unparalleled clarity and success. You’ll not only get a seat at this exclusive live session but also receive the Q2 Moonsight Planner and indispensable Astrological Planning Cheat Sheets – all tailored to ensure you navigate the quarter with confidence and strategic advantage. These tools are valued at $197, but they're yours today for just $67! This is a unique blend of astrological forecasting and practical planning, typically reserved for Moonsight Planning Lab members. Don't miss out on plotting your course through the next quarter with expert guidance and a supportive community. Say 'YES' to unlocking this powerful planning experience for only $67 and make the coming months your most successful yet. Tap into the celestial currents and align your business with the cosmic flow. CLICK “YES” to add the Q2 Plan With Me Live Session to your order now!  Not available anywhere else but in the Lab (for active members) or on this page. 

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Please be advised that no astrological reading, training, or event can predict, forecast, diagnose, or provide information with absolute certainty. No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given and Vanessa Corazon (Perry)/ Coral Moon Media Ltd will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings training or events. For entertainment purposes only. For medical concerns, please consult with a physician. For legal matters, please contact an attorney or law enforcement.
Cycles for CEOs -
The Great American Eclipse & Uranian Revolution: A CEO's Guide to Thriving in Transformative Times 2024 - 2037.

2+ Hour AstroSalon on the Solar Eclipse in Aries & Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction: Discover the significance of these astrological events and their direct impact on your personal and business landscape with clear, jargon-free strategies.

Deep Dive into the 'Great American Eclipse': Understand the historical and future implications of this significant event across North America, and how it's set to shape economic, social, and personal dynamics.

Eclipse Impact on Your Natal Chart: Learn what the eclipse reveals about your potential for growth, challenge, and transformation, with tailored insights for those born in key years more affected by these transits.

Navigating Nodal Cycle Marketing Trends: Gain insights into the nodal shifts from 2018 to 2026, their impact on global trends, and what they signal for economic cycles, industry changes, and societal evolution.

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Breakdown: Explore the innovative and disruptive power of this conjunction in Taurus, its implications for technology, currency, food, and real estate, and how to leverage these changes in your business.

Exclusive Insights into Future Market Shifts: Predict and prepare for market changes within the current North Node in Aries cycle and upcoming shifts, positioning your business for strategic growth.

Replay Access: Get a recording of the session to revisit the insights and strategies discussed.

Bonus Materials: Receive comprehensive slides and notes covering the history, global, and economic influences of these transits for deeper understanding and strategic planning. Also Included - A Transit Activation Cheat Sheet to uncover your personal activations in your chart. 

  • Total payment
  • 1xCycles For Ceos™ - Great Eclipse + Jupiter/Uranus 2024$27

All prices in USD
